Risk Assessment | Car Park | Industrial
RSA was requested to assess the risk of agricultural farm machinery entering a proposed roof-top car park, and potentially beyond the edge of that car park towards a museum and café.

This highly customised risk assessment had the following approach:
▪ Determine a number of foreseeable ‘risk scenarios’ and ‘risk outcomes’ including assumptions on impact speed and angles
▪ Determine likelihood based on operating conditions and physical layout conditions
▪ Comment on crash severity, absolute risk and relative risk
▪ Describe possible treatment options
▪ Rank possible treatment options on a scale of conservative to less conservative
▪ Recommend a treatment approach for the upper and lower barriers
▪ Recommend a treatment approach for the car park access road
The assessment incorporated knowledge of roadside safety hardware and its first principles in relation to deflecting or stopping vehicles and where relevant, occupant protection. Some guidance sources include:
- AS/NZS 1170.1 Structural Design Elements Part 1
- AS/NZS 2890.1: 2004 Parking Facilities Part 1: Off-street car parking
- AASHTO Road Design Guide
- Austroads Guide to Road Design Series, in particular Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6: Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers in particular the 2022 update which covers the 12-step road safety barrier design process.
- DOT RDN 6-16 Barrier Design Commentary
- Austroads Guide to Road Safety Series (AGRS)
- Miscellaneous Austroads and Safe Work Australia Publications relating to road trauma, crash causality, traffic engineering treatments and Safe System
Guidance on Farm Machinery Safety Including Practices and Procedures were adopted from:
- Farm Safe Australia
- Safe Work Australia
- Better Health Victoria
After an extensive risk assessment process, summary matrix was provided for boardroom clarity and succinctness outlining risks and treatment options.