RSA | Temporary Traffic Management | Major Projects

A line on the plan is shown for safety barriers but there is no design or products nominated. They are many design elements for safety barriers in isolation and combination that require careful consideration for the public and the workers. These include:
1. Barrier and terminal type (approved products in combination, and test level).
2. Attachments including gawk screens and their effect on sight distance and signage.
3. The no-go zone width and demarcation.
4. Length of need and demarcation.
5. Development length (both ends).
6. Minimum system length.
7. Terminal runout area (in particular the setup of the two runs coming together).
8. Offset to traffic.
9. Impact angles.
10. Bi-directionality issues such as terminals at both ends and length of need.
11. Interaction between barriers and site access.
12. Interaction between new barriers and existing barriers (especially if severing existing barriers).
13. Barrier delineation (especially since there is no street lighting).
Although the use of safety barriers is broadly supported, their detailed design is important so that they work properly and don’t give workers and the public a false sense of security.
Then specific issues and areas were assessed taking further into consideration the impacts arising from existing conditions.