RSA | Motorcycle
Motorcycle road safety treatments on Myers Creek Road, Healesville, Victoria over 14km. The proposed treatments were predominantly:
▪ Installing CAMS
▪ Intersection sealing and general patching
▪ Line marking
▪ Safety barrier modifications
▪ Vegetation trimming
The aim of the audit was to: Identity if there are any safety concerns with the proposed treatments; assess whether there is anything else that can be done to further improve the proposed locations; focus specifically on motorcycle related safety; provide any other general observations along the subject length such as repeated issues not being addressed, and raise in brief general terms only.
Being focussed on motorcyclists, the audit considered motorcyclist-specific road safety principles, as outlined within relevant documents such as VicRoads’ Making Roads Motorcycle Friendly Guide and Austroads Guide AP-R515-16.
For specific treatment such as CAMs or safety barriers, the relevant technical information was sought and reviewed. For example in the following documents: